Sunday, November 15, 2020

Pokémon A-Go-Go

I still play Pokémon Go pretty regularly. 

When the early Beta launched in the summer of 2016, before it was officially released here in Canada, I got the game through the US mobile app store. Yes, I was one of those sneaky players that added to already overstressed servers by playing in a location where the game hadn’t launched yet. 

I gave up playing after that first summer, as soon as the weather turned and the lure of sitting in a park with 200 hundred strangers until long after dark, all playing the same game together but alone, had worn off. 

Some friends got me back into it in the summer of 2018, after new features like trading and social gameplay had been introduced. I played it a lot that summer again, and even into the winter. I made loads of new friends in my neighbourhood, rushing out to join group battles, called raids, and catching up with everyone for a few minutes. 

It’s been a great activity to have on while I take the kids for walks, as it tracks distance for hatching eggs ingame, or even catching Pokémon with zero effort thanks to to a little Pokéball device that connects to your game anad can automatically catch the imaginary monsters while I’m pushing Connor on the swing or chasing Ada around the grass. 

I don’t play it every day anymore, and I certainly don’t go rushing out ot raids unless it’s nice and warm out, nearby, and I have nothing better to do. But it’s still nice to say hi to friends. And still exciting when a new batch gets added to the game. 

Gotta catch ‘em all! 

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