Tuesday, November 17, 2020

One Day At A Time

Today was rough, though nothing negative happened. 

I woke at a decent time. I find when I sleep in, even for as little as an extra thirty minutes, my morning is out of sorts. Breakfast runs late and everything just slips a bit. I like to take my mornings slowly when I can and starting late, I'm just rushing to keep up.

My kids were amazing all day. I played a board game with Ada, and she won. We really love playing Animal Upon Animal, and Connor likes to join us, playing with the extra pieces we don't need while playing two player. 

We watched a few cartoons, had lunch and Ada did her online class meeting, which she loves. Connor napped without fuss, and slept for ninty minutes, give or take. During that time I got laundry done and had a lovely chat with one of my neighbours. 

I made my favourite dinner and thoroughly enjoyed it.

But all this time, I just wanted to sleep. I just wanted to leave the kids watch videos all day and sleep in the chair beside them. They would have loved that, although I expect Connor would have climbed onto me more than once. 

With the current mini lockdown here in BC, we're all stuck indoors not seeing anyone, even at the park. My boxing gym is closed to classes, so I haven't been training. More than anything else, I think that is the cause of today's weariness.

That's okay. We're all allowed those days. I'm going to bed early tonight and starting fresh tomorrow. 

I had intended in writing the bare minimum today, but hit over 250 words by the end of the main body above. I also feel much better, like a weight has lifted.

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