Friday, November 02, 2018

Blogging Apps On iOS

One of the reasons I haven’t blogged in a very long time is that the app I used to use to write my posts in died in the 64bit Appocalypse. The developers didn’t have enough sales to justify the expense of updating.

So now I’m writing this post and the previous one directly into the Blogger webpage on Chrome on my iPad, and it’s just awful. It’s impossible to scroll, a chore to include photos, and I’m not even going to try to bother with my usual fancy formatting and nonsensical italics and bolding (I know some of you disliked that, but it reminded me of comic book speech bubbles and helped break up a screen of text). For goodness sake, I’m just writing all of this at once, and for no apparent reason there’s a change in formatting between the first paragraph above and the rest of the text here. Why?!? Why?!?

I have a few options. 

1) Grin and bear it. Just write, and leave it all plain and accept that at least I’m writing, which I really, really need to do more often. I enjoy it, I just enjoy it looking nice too. Or at least consistently formatted throughout. 

2) Find an app that supports posting to Blogger and is good. Unlikely. There doesn’t seem to be one. Loads for Wordpress, nothing for Blogger. Which leads to

3) Give up and migrate to Wordpress. I have no idea how difficult a transition that would be, but I have help. Claire uses Wordpress for her sites, and I’m sure there are blog post tutorials, web apps and tools to help migrate all my posts over. I’d hate to have to start from scratch and have a hard division in my posts. 

4) Just plain old give up. Throw in the towel. Call it a day. It’s been a terrific run, but the curtain has fallen. 

I won’t be doing 4. I promise. But I need to look at the other three options a bit more. 

To the future! 

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