Friday, January 26, 2018

Untitled Short Story Excerpt

The car pulled up to the sidewalk and wordlessly the driver tapped on the fare meter. She paid the fare and the back door clicked and swung open.

"Thanks," she squeaked, barely audible over even the relative quiet of the engine idling. The driver waved a massive hand in dismissive acknowledgement and grunted something Sarah couldn't make out. She was about to apologize when she noticed he was talking into his radio, probably getting the next fare. She fluttered out the car door and landed on the cast iron railing that separated the sidewalk from the perfectly manicured hedges on the private grounds.

"I thought your kind couldn't touch that. You know, cold iron and all that stuff." Her contact at the scene, James, was walking towards her from the gate house. He must have seen the taxi drive past.

"Just because your people have myths and legends about mine doesn't mean that all of it is true. Actually, from what I've read, hardly any of it is true." Sarah handed James her officer's badge one her was close enough. "Besides, come on. We've been here long enough. You're just being rude."

James handed back the badge and stood with his right shoulder turned toward Sarah. She accepted and fluttered on. "Sorry. I'm from New Jersey. The Crystal doesn't reach that far. It's all still a bit new to me."

"Oh, it reaches that far. We just don't like New Jersey either."

"Now who's being rude?"

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